Surreal times call for social commentary in art. Circus Real Surreal is a collection of narrative paintings that examine the 21st century's new technologies and social concerns. An art collection and circus have been rolled into one creating a singular artistic experience in the palm of your hand.
Subjects in the book include: technology, healthcare, space exploration, and social concerns. The book is formatted as if the reader is entering a circus, the paintings are the "acts." Each act is accompanied with a short introduction. The Backstage Pass section includes working drawings of the featured paintings. Commentary by the host, E.M. Landé, serves as an introduction to the performances. Technology's Wild Ride, Full Moon Madness, and AutoElectrica are just a few of the acts (paintings) you will encounter. There is a brief intermission mid-way through the show where one can consider a snack at the Talking Head Taffy booth.
Audience imagination is encouraged! Over 100 pages to delight and intrigue! Don't delay! Step right up! Run away with Circus Real Surreal!
Pages: 144 Illustrations: 64